Do you love sufi poetry?
app provides you the ultimate poetry which renders the sufiana kalam in Urdu. the app contains extensive collection of Sufi poetry written on images. Sufi lines gives you the Sufi pics with stunning Sufi shayari in urdu. Support Sufism by sharing the sufi kalam, set Sufi lines as wallpapers or share the status with friends and family. The app provides you the attractive UI along with features. Make your sufi quotes favorite and see them later, mark as favorite or set the Sufi pics as a wallpaper.
Sufism represents Islam which provides an important role in building mind. Sufism provides soothes and calm to souls. Sufism represents the simplicity in life, be inspire and motivate with sufiana kalam. If you are interested in sufiana kalam the get the Sufi shair with this Urdu poetry app. sufi lines contains the collection of sufiana kalam by reknown Sufis. Get all the Sufi shayari on pics in Urdu, share the poetry with your friends and support Sufism for the sake of Islam.
Get the collection of Sufi quotes in urdu text, save and share the poetry in status or as a post. Set the Sufi pics as a wallpaper and make the poetry images favorite with Sufi lines app. the app contains the variety of Sufis qalam in urdu language. Do inspire and relax you mind with the ultimate Sufi shayari. Share the Urdu Sufi poetry with and friends and family and support Sufism
• Provides extensive collection of sufi poetry on pics
• Attractive UI and Sufi quotes on pics in urdu
• Mark the best Sufi poetry as favorite
• Set sufi pics as wallpapers
• Save and share the urdu Sufi kalam